See Zillow in a whole new light! (Or, at least, in a new browser.) Firefox 3 is here!

Mozilla has released the latest version of their popular web browser, Firefox. Firefox 3 is available immediately: download it here. For the next day (until 6/18/2008 at 10:00am PDT), Mozilla will be trying to set a record for the largest number of software downloads in 24 hours – help them out! Already a strong contender ...

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Mozilla has released the latest version of their popular web browser, Firefox. Firefox 3 is available immediately: download it here. For the next day (until 6/18/2008 at 10:00am PDT), Mozilla will be trying to set a record for the largest number of software downloads in 24 hours – help them out!

Already a strong contender against Internet Explorer and Safari, this new release builds upon the success of the popular Firefox 2 browser. Claiming to be more secure, easier to use, and with increased performance, nearly everyone will find something to like in this browser.

And it’s good news in the Zillow test team; because of the high degree of compatibility between Firefox 2 and Firefox 3, we will immediately cease testing with Firefox 2 and validate our site’s Firefox compatibility on Firefox 3. And of course, we will continue to make other test passes with Internet Explorer and Safari to ensure that the vast majority of our users have the best possible experience no matter what they choose.

If you’re already using Firefox 2, I highly recommend upgrading to Firefox 3. If you currently use another browser, consider installing Firefox 3 as an alternative or even as a direct replacement.