Want Up to 350% More Traffic? Add Photos

We all know that photos are a very important part of  “staging” a home online, but now there is data that supports exactly how important. When looking at traffic trends on Zillow, if you only upload one photo per listing, on average it will get 75% more views than a listing with no photos.  And ...

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We all know that photos are a very important part of  “staging” a home online, but now there is data that supports exactly how important.

When looking at traffic trends on Zillow, if you only upload one photo per listing, on average it will get 75% more views than a listing with no photos.  And as more photos are added, average traffic to the listing grows. Look:

5 photos = approximately 170% lift over 0 photos

10 photos = approximately 275% lift over 0 photos

20 photos = approximately 350% lift over 0 photos

As you can see, multiple photos on Zillow are more important than ever.  We recently enhanced our search results so that simply hovering over the photo in the search results will expose the additional photos, with an extra link to click into the property details.  Remember, there is no charge to add up to 50 photos per listing, so the more photos you add, the more page views  your listing will get.