Watch Zillow CEO on Fortune (VIDEO)

Fortune Sr. Editor Adam Lashinsky (@adamlashinsky) recently met with Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff (@spencerrascoff) to discuss Zillow’s partnership with Yahoo! Real Estate. Zillow is Yahoo! Real Estate’s exclusive provider of for-sale listings and is the real estate advertising sales force for both companies. Spencer told Adam “in the real estate category, Yahoo! Real Estate is ...

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Fortune Sr. Editor Adam Lashinsky (@adamlashinsky) recently met with Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff (@spencerrascoff) to discuss Zillow’s partnership with Yahoo! Real Estate. Zillow is Yahoo! Real Estate’s exclusive provider of for-sale listings and is the real estate advertising sales force for both companies. Spencer told Adam “in the real estate category, Yahoo! Real Estate is very important.” Watch the interview in full here.

In another separate video interview, Adam and Spencer also discussed the future of the U.S. housing market. Spencer shared that “we’re through the worst of it, but home values nationwide are still declining.”  Watch the interview in full here.