We’ve Been Posh’d…

We’re honored — Zillow Blog has been Posh’d! Posh’d is a site started by Shaun McLane from EKDAY (“Every Kid Deserves a Yard”) that showcases innovative real estate web sites. There are a number of other fantastic sites highlighted, including Luxury Home Digest, Lending Clarity, Charleston Your Home, Condo Metropolis, and The Seattle Condo Blog.

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We’re honored — Zillow Blog has been Posh’d! Posh’d is a site started by Shaun McLane from EKDAY (“Every Kid Deserves a Yard”) that showcases innovative real estate web sites. There are a number of other fantastic sites highlighted, including Luxury Home Digest, Lending Clarity, Charleston Your Home, Condo Metropolis, and The Seattle Condo Blog.

Check it out