I Did It!

I love old homes — really, I do. I’ve had my share of Craftsmans and shingled Victorians that are charming, but huge money pits. That is, unless you buy one that has been redone and if it has, you’ll be paying top dollar. Like the home we had in Baltimore and sold just before moving ...

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I love old homes — really, I do. I’ve had my share of Craftsmans and shingled Victorians that are charming, but huge money pits. That is, unless you buy one that has been redone and if it has, you’ll be paying top dollar. Like the home we had in Baltimore and sold just before moving back to Seattle. We put a lot of money into it to make it safe and livable and fortunately, we recouped all of its value. We were very lucky.

Stories like mine don’t end there — especially when it comes to real estate. Lots of people have stories to share about their particular real estate/home improvement challenges. So, we created a section on our site called “I Did It” and it’s about how people made the decisions they did to their homes. We will grow this section, but for now, the seeds are planted for future I Did It’s!