Introducing the 2024 Zillow for Good (Z4G) Housing Innovation Grant recipients

These Zillow employee-nominated nonprofits are making an impact on housing

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For the second consecutive year, Zillow employees have selected 10 community-based organizations to receive a total of $100,000 from Zillow to help support their missions and create meaningful, local impact through housing-related programs. Aligned with our National Fair Housing Month campaign, the 2024 Zillow for Good Housing Innovation Grant Program prioritized nonprofits driving innovative solutions to increase homeownership opportunities for communities of color impacted by historical practices like redlining.

Each of the employee-nominated organizations listed below will be awarded a grant of $10,000:

Every month is Fair Housing Month at Zillow; April simply kicked off another year of working to promote fairness and increase access to housing for underserved communities across our products and platform to get more people home.

Related: Zillow’s mission to support fair housing