No Flyers in the Box? Use Zillow iPhone App

An empty listings flyer box. Not what you want to see when you drive up to that house that seems to be the one. Don’t despair. Just pull out your iPhone, tap into the Zillow iPhone App and voila! The built-in GPS locates your position and the house for sale (look for the little red ...

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An empty listings flyer box. Not what you want to see when you drive up to that house that seems to be the one.

Don’t despair. Just pull out your iPhone, tap into the Zillow iPhone App and voila! The built-in GPS locates your position and the house for sale (look for the little red house icon). You’re back in business. Sweet.

Don’t have it? Download the Zillow iPhone App here. It’s the #1 real estate app.

> See all of Zillow’s free mobile apps