Over 10,000 Agents on Zillow!

Less than 3 months ago, we launched the ability for agents and owners to post homes for sale on Zillow. Already, over 10,000 agents (11,325 to be exact) have added nearly 25,000 postings – thank you all for being part of our community! As a fun way to visualize all the activity we’ve received, we ...

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Less than 3 months ago, we launched the ability for agents and owners to post homes for sale on Zillow. Already, over 10,000 agents (11,325 to be exact) have added nearly 25,000 postings – thank you all for being part of our community!

As a fun way to visualize all the activity we’ve received, we assembled a bunch of your profile photos into – most appropriately, I think – a mosaic of a home. See if you can find yourself below!