Yankee Blog Swap

It’s amazing how the real estate blogosphere continues to evolve and innovate. First, the Carnival of Real Estate , then the Sellsius 101 Blog Post Challenge and now a swap meet, which is the brainchild of Mary McKnight at RSS Pieces. Next week (Tuesday, Dec. 19), we are participating in Real Estate’s Yankee Blog Swap.

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Blog_swap It’s amazing how the real estate blogosphere continues to evolve and innovate. First, the Carnival of Real Estate , then the Sellsius 101 Blog Post Challenge and now a swap meet, which is the brainchild of Mary McKnight at RSS Pieces.

Next week (Tuesday, Dec. 19), we are participating in Real Estate’s Yankee Blog Swap. You might be wondering, what exactly is a “Yankee Blog Swap?” The simple answer is 20 real estate bloggers will be swapping blogs for a day. I’m representing Zillow and have been paired with Pat Kitano at Transparent Real Estate. This means Pat will guest blog for this audience while I take the reins at Transparent Real Estate for a day. It should be a good change of pace for everyone involved. Mary McKnight, who is also a very popular blogger at Active Rain, is paired with Joel Burslem at Future of Real Estate Marketing. Mary has paired up the following participants:

I can’t speak for all participants, but I know both Pat and I are excited to have the opportunity to blog to a difference audience, if only for a day. Hats off to Mary for pulling this together and don’t forget to make the rounds next Tuesday for the swap meet.