Seeing that employees have the support they need during these challenging times — including support to participate in our democracy — is a core value of our company.
Election Day in the U.S. is Nov. 3. One reason some Americans do not vote is a lack of time or the inability to get time off from work. This is further compounded by COVID-19 and its considerable effects, including reduced public transit to increased caregiver responsibilities, that are making everyday life more complex for our employees. That’s why we announced this week that Zillow is expanding existing benefits and adding new resources to support our employees’ right to vote.
To ensure our U.S. employees have the time and resources to safely vote in the 2020 General Election, all Zillow Group employees are now eligible to take up to eight hours off from work, with pay, between Oct. 6 and Nov. 3. They may use this time for the purpose of casting their ballot, or for volunteering as a poll worker. We’ve highlighted volunteer opportunities with Power to the Polls, a non-partisan coalition of companies and civic engagement groups.
We’re also providing resources that make it easy for our employees to register to vote, verify their voter registration, and look up candidate and ballot information. And, we’re designating Nov. 3 as meeting-free to give employees added flexibility.
At Zillow, we know that our people are our greatest resource and we are dedicated to lifting up our employees’ voices — and to empowering them to exercise their right to vote. Seeing that they have the support they need during these challenging times — including support to participate in our democracy — is a core value of our company. We know that how a person votes is a personal and private choice.
We’re pleased to partner with other companies through Time to Vote and Civic Alliance, which are non-partisan coalitions working to increase voter participation in elections.
We invite other companies, our partners and our customers to do what you can to cast your own ballot and help your teams do the same.
Zillow Group is non-partisan and we do not endorse any candidate or political affiliation. Zillow Group’s voter registration and Time Off to Vote efforts are conducted regardless of a participant’s political preference and will not be affected by their support for or opposition to particular policy issues, candidates or political parties.