Even in a hot sellers market, small changes to your home could make a big difference to buyers. A Zillow survey from 2021 discovered that certain front door colors can affect the likelihood of a potential offer as well as the price of a home. Actual and prospective buyers surveyed valued some homes more than others. The only deciding factor? The color of the front door.
If you’re on the verge of listing, consider embracing or avoiding some of the following front door colors.
The best overall: slate blue-gray

The survey revealed a clear front (door) runner. Homes with a front door painted slate blue — a chalky light blue-gray color – received the top overall scores. Actual and prospective buyers were more likely to want to purchase the home and, on average, would be willing to offer an estimated $1,537 more. So if you’re looking to have the best chance of success, consider this color.
The highest payout: black

A black front door was associated with the highest offer price, with buyers saying they would be willing to pay, on average, $6,449 more for a home with this high-contrast front door. However, black was more polarizing than other front door colors, with some buyers saying it is “imposing” and “doesn’t give positive vibes at all.” If you’re willing to take a chance, this color may just pay off.
The lowest payout: pale pink

Certain front door colors were particularly off-putting to actual and prospective buyers. Some study participants described homes with a pale pink front door as “kind of shabby looking” and would be willing to pay, on average, $6,516 less than expected.
The lowest overall: cement gray

Cement gray front doors received the lowest overall score. This color fell flat with the lowest purchase intention, and on average, actual and prospective buyers would offer $1,236 less for a home with such a door. Though cement gray is not as polarizing as some colors, the majority of those surveyed agreed they’d show this color the door.
While a home’s ultimate sale price is determined by a myriad of factors, this research indicates that it pays to be strategic when sprucing up a home for sale. If you’re considering selling, selecting the right front door paint color can potentially boost your bottom line. Tastes may vary from location to location, however, so consider finding a local agent to help get your home market-ready.
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