• Posted in Culture

    Who are you, Zillow users?

    We get asked a lot about just who is using Zillow.com.  Are they homeowners?  Potential buyers or sellers?  Snoopers? While we designed the site for homeowners and those in the market to buy or sell a home, we of course wondered ourselves if the site ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Carnival of Real Estate

    Next Monday, Zillow Blog will play host to the inaugural edition of the Carnival of Real Estate. We’re excited about this event; if you are into real estate and you blog, please consider this your invitation to join in the fun. There aren’t ...

  • Posted in Culture

    When is a Zestimate not a Zestimate?

    Previously we discussed how the Value Range seems to be missed by many of our users. Today I’d like to spotlight something which is lost on very few Zillow users but stirs up the fiercest emotions when it is. I’m talking about houses without a ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Happy Birthday, America!

    One Seattleite is showing incredible American patriotism by turning one side of their home into a tribute to the American flag. We couldn’t get close enough to see the photos that are contained within the stripes, but nevertheless, you have to love ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Data Crunching for a Hammock

    Our friends over at mpire are doing some pretty interesting things with historical sales data and research to help online shoppers make more informed decisions. They launched a Home & Garden section and Zillow is an inaugural sponsor. It’s a ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Running and Zestimating

    Sunday morning, a small, but mighty Zillow team took to the streets in Seattle along glorious Lake Washington to take part in the 29th Annual Shore Run and Walk, a 6.7-mile race (sponsored by Zillow), and a 5K walk/run. A couple of thousand people ...

  • Posted in Culture

    “The Lake is Dry”

    I couldn’t resist checking in with the Lakeland Ledger (Fla.) this morning to see what the latest news would be on Scott Lake, the lake that started sinking last week. “The Lake is Dry” was the headline. Evidently, there are four ...

  • Posted in Culture

    It’s Not Nice to Fool (With) Mother Nature

    Don’t you always envy the guy who has a house right on the water? You won’t envy him anymore. As a matter of fact, if I was the guy on the water, I’d be a little freaked out after reading a New York Times science section article that ...

  • Posted in Culture

    Do Smarter People Pay More for Homes?

    A new study by Bizjournals.com names the “smartest” cities in the U.S. — with Seattle topping the list, followed by San Francisco and Austin.  The analysis is based on the educational level of adults in America’s 53 largest ...